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Chapter 1: Living Things & Non-living Things (Part 1)

In this chapter is discussing about living things and non-living thing in our earth. This is basic ecosystem in our daily lives. Since, this is an introduction about science to primary school’s students, hence it should explain in a simple way and attractive to the student, so they can easily distinctive between living things and non-living things. Besides, they also can understand characteristics of living things. 

In this part, I want to share about the Prezi that I have been done as shows as below:            

If you want to download this teaching material just follow this link If having any problem just leave your comment. Thank

Prezi Your Teaching

Nowadays, teaching can be helping by the multimedia equipments and services of internet. Information and teaching material can easy find by surfing internet but how we can present it to the students so that they can easily to understand from processes of learning? One of the easiest and effective ways is using mapping or mind map system in the processes of teaching. Hence, Prezi is new tool for us to try. 

Prezi is the new platform to presenting ideas or mind map in teaching. It is easy to use by drag in pictures and videos that needed to the space that provided then add of some words for the explanation. After that, additions links of flows to show the flows of the ideas. 

Besides, Prezi is a free-ware by follow this link to sign up and to download the software. Try to change the teaching methods today and Prezi your teaching!! 

Rasa Sayang

Ikan Kekek

Kitaran Hidup Rama-rama

Taman bunga menjadi indah apabila dihiasi rama-rama berwarna-warni. Sifat rama-rama yang berterbangan ke sana ke mari tanpa henti mencerminkan betapa bebasnya hidup serangga ini. Rama-rama mencari madu bunga sebagai makanan. Lidah rama-rama yang bergelung itu begitu mudah dilentur untuk menghisap madu dan menyapu debunga. 
Tahukah kawan-kawan bahawa secara purata, seekor rama-rama boleh bertelur sebanyak 200 biji. Daripada sebiji telur kecil, lahirlah seekor ulat bulu. Ulat bulu ini mempunyai nafsu makan yang menakjubkan selama dua atau tiga minggu. Kemudian, ulat bulu itu mencari tempat untuk bergayut. Ini menandakan bermulanya satu lagi kejadian hidup rama-rama. Ulat bulu itu akan menjadi seekor kepompong atau pupa. Kepak dan kakinya akan terbentuk. Akhirnya, jadilah seekor rama-rama.

